B5589 18" Dolls Clothes
18"(46CM) DOLL CLOTHES: Retro style outfits. Package includes patterns and instructions for A: Slip and Bloomers. B: Short Sleeve Dress with ribbon trim. C: Sleeveless Dress with lace trim. D: Hooded Coat. E: Top and Pant. F: Night Top and Bloomers. Note: Vintage & Modern 18" Dolls vary in size. Fit pattern to doll.
SUGGESTED FABRICS: C: Satin and Sateen. Contrast C: Netting. A,B,D,E,F: Cotton/Cotton Blends. Also for D; Twill.
NOTIONS: A: 1 yd. of 1/2" Pre-Gathered Lace, 1/4 yd. of 1/4" Ribbon, 5/8 yd. of 1/4" Elastic, 3/4 yd, of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape and 1/8 yd. of 5/8" VELCRO® Fastener Tape. B: 1/4 yd. of 3/8" Ribbon, 1/4 yd. of 1/4" Elastic, 1/8 yd. of 5/8" VELCRO® Fastener Tape and 33/8 yds. of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape. C: 23/8 yds, of 1 3/8" Pre-Gathered Lace and 1/8 yd. of VELCRO® Fastener Tape. D: One 1/2" Butoon and Large Snap. E: 1/4 yd. of 1/4" Elastic and Three each of 1/2" Buttons and Large Snaps. F: 13/8 yds. of 1/4" Elastic, 23/8 yds. of 1/2" Pre-Gathered Lace, 3/4 yd. of 3/8" Ribbon, 13/4 yds. of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape and 1/8 yd. of 5/8" VELCRO® Fastener Tape.
NOTE: The proportions for dolls may differ depending on manufacturer. Adjustments to individual pieces during contruction may be necessary for a better fit.
Unsuitable for obvious diagonals or plaids. Allow extra fabric to match stripes.